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Quotes & Articles
The Effectual Word of God
Westminster Shorter Catechism question and answer #155:
Question: How is the Word made effectual to salvation?
Answer: The Spirit of God makes the reading, but especially the preaching of the Word, an effectual means of enlightening, convincing, and humbling sinners; of driving them out of themselves, and drawing them unto Christ; of conforming them to his image, and subduing them to his will; of strengthening them against temptations and corruptions; of building them up in grace, and establishing their hearts in holiness and comfort through faith unto salvation.
The Gift of Faith
“…putting your entire existence in the hands of One whom you cannot see, touch, or hear is far from natural. This is why faith [in Christ Jesus] is only ever a gift of divine grace. You and I have all the power in the world to doubt and no independent power at all to believe. So, if you are living by faith, don’t proudly pat yourself on the back as if you did something great. No, raise your eyes and your hands toward heaven and thank God for gifting you with the desire and ability to believe.”
For further study and encouragement: Luke 7:1–17
Paul Tripp. New Morning Mercies.
Does this church help me serve Jesus better?
Many people unconsciously expect their church to serve them. The expectation shows with the checklist we bring to worship. We ask, “Did the pastor preach a sermon to my liking? Did the music suit my taste? Does the building have the right décor?” . Of course, we are right to be concerned that our church does what is right. The Bible tells us to be vigilant about God’s priorities.
But sometimes God’s priorities get confused with our preferences.
Whether we are expressing greater concerns about the latter than the former may take serious heart examination.
That examination, if it is Biblical, often begins with asking whether we really are willing to follow Jesus by denying ourselves (Matt. 16:24)?
Are we more seeking to serve or be served?
Of course, we are all ready to testify that we are willing to be a servant – until someone treats us like one.
Then, we must ask if Jesus only calls us to an occasional act of service, or to a life of selflessness for the sake of others knowing him.
The charge to put God’s priorities above our own often can reduce our checklist to one item:
Does this church help me serve Jesus better? (Matt. 20:26-28)
Bryan Chapell. Devotional. October 2024
Preaching Matters Because the God of the Bible Is a Speaking God
“The act of preaching today cannot be separated from the word of God that he has infallibly spoken in the Scriptures—the sixty-six books of divine revelation that make up our Bible. That is the bedrock foundation on which all preaching is to be built.
A basic biblical definition of the preacher is that he is a herald or proclaimer. It’s a significant description because it implies that there is a message, or declaration, that the messenger is to pass on faithfully and accurately without distortion. Because God has spoken in his word, the preacher can and must preach. Without that divinely given biblical content, all that a preacher can achieve is the expression of his own, often highly questionable, opinions. On offer, then, are the mere words of human beings. They may appear attractive and promise all sorts of comfort and joy, but ultimately, they are just human words—transient and powerless. Instead, in biblical expository preaching, the authentic voice of God is heard. What is expected is that God will speak to our souls through the human agency of the preacher.”
Rich in Mercy
Ephesians 2:4
The evidence of Christ’s mercy toward you is not your life. The evidence of his mercy toward you is his - mistreated, misunderstood, betrayed, abandoned. Eternally. In your place.
Dane Ortlund: Gentle & Lowly. p179
Why This Page?
Ian gathers quotes, articles, excerpts and books to create a space for you to peruse and ponder who Christ is and the everyday impact of his Grace on your life.

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